Keynote: Randi Zuckerberg (Future Consumers)
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
10:39 AM
Randy Zuckerberg | Zuckerberg Media
Helped with Facebook’s digital efforts
Choose logo for Facebook
Started out small. How do we recruit great talent?
Rally people inside the company.
Started Hackathons
Created FB live and didn’t think it would be successful
Katy Perry contacted her about being featured and it was a huge success
Every one of us that has an opportunity to reach people is sitting on an idea that could be used by millions of people.
Stepped away from Facebook after launching FB Live
Eventually was used to record a live shooting – wish that they asked themselves the ethical questions at the very beginning – where will we be in 5, 10 years from now.
The Future Buyer
- Knows Everything is Media
- Values Unique Experiences
- Has a Different Kind of Career
- Seeking Tech-Life Balance
Everything is Media
Red Bull’s Live Stream Free Jump on FB
Nothing to do with selling
Most watched Live Stream Event in History
Big brands realizing that everyone needs to be a media company
Invest in an Audio Strategy
Blogging is Saturated – Podcasting is HOT right now
Test Long-Form content
Tech-Life Balance
Digital Detox Hotels
‘Nothing’ App
Work, Friends, Sleep, Fitness, Family – Pick 3 and be excellent at them
Scarcity and Unique Experiences
Everyones creating media .. Who’s listening?
Need to create unique experiences online
‘In Real Life’ Experiences – Help people get outside and experience your brand
Has a Different Kind of Career
ICE Hotel in Canada (Remade every year): Built in Jan. Melts in April
Dinner in the Sky
Gym Pop Up Restaurant where you pay with exercise
‘Experience Stores’ – Places w/ backgrounds where people can take pictures
Everyone has a ‘Side Hustle’
Everyone is a Brand
Modern Office Perk
Winning with CRO: Successful Conversion Optimization Program
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
2:28 PM
Mapping the Customer Journey
- 3 Things have Drastically Changed
- Audience Expectations
- Audience Behavior
- Marketer’s Goals
- Put the customer at the heart of the experience
- Be Relevant or Lose Customers
- By 2020, Customer Experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator
- Clicks do not equal $
- Average of 10 touch points on average to generate a quality lead
Implement CRO if you have at least 10-12 conversions a week and ~10,000 visitors.
- Research – Tracking metrics and identify what needs fixing
- Hypothesis – Construct educated hypothesis based on research
- Prioritize – Plan and prioritize your hypothesis
- Test – Test hypothesis against existing version of site
- Measure/Learn – Deploy the winning hypothesis and/or gathering learning for subsequent tests
Understanding the Customer Journey
- ‘Exit Survey’ – Ask the customer what they want
- Live Screen Recording of Visitors and their actions. Can segment the recording.
- Give confidence to users – payment security/warranty information
- Identify friction points
Popular User Insight Tools
- Heatmaps
- Scrollmaps
- Session Replays
Underutilized User Insight Tools
- Surveys (Ask the customer about their experience)
- Form Analytics (Learn how each form field is interacted with)
- Bounce rate from each field
- Time spent on each field
Build a Structured Hypothesis
- Based on Observation
- I believe *solution*
- Will address problem
- For audience X
- Impact goal by X%
Testing Options
- A/B Test
- Change any element of the site
- Split URL Test
- Test separate URLs if landing pages are significantly different
- Multivariate Test
- Run tests on multiple variation combinations together
Link Building and Content Building Go Together Like Peas and Carrots | Debra Mastaler
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
3:16 PM
Where to find trending topics to write on?
Ask Them
- Survey Monkey – Surveys
- Survey Anyplace
- Survey Gizmo
- Twitter Polls
- Boardreader
- Search Engine Aggregator
- Pulls in forums and group info
- Place term and it generates forums for what you’re searching for
‘Snoopsnoo’ goes through reddit and subreddits and pulls out topic you’re looking for.
- Ahrefs
- Content Gap – Look at competitors and see what keywords they’re ranking for
- Buzzsumo
- Take URL from content and it’ll generate how many times its been shared and how many links there are to it
- ‘Buzzstream’
- Shows what individual writers are writing about
- Feedspot
- Pull info from blogs, social networks, websites etc.
- Find trending topics and sources
Most Thoroughly Consumed Content
- Video & Webinar
- Educational Videos
- Instagram Videos
- Quiet Video is in Demand
- Add Captions
- Create Authentic Video
- 360 Degree Video
- Tips, Tricks and Fixes Video
- Images
- Written Content
- Convert Webinars into PPT for Slideshare
- Split webinars into short clips for Social
- Transcribe Webinars, add to blog as multiple posts
- Use chat logs to create blogs in Q&A formats
- Rerun your webinars on a laptop during trade shows
Link Building
- Image Link Building
- Images that show customers using your products
- Put these on your site
- Images that capture a feeling
- Images that show real people behind a website
- Images that show customers using your products
- Cinemagraphs & Memes
- Make a list of blogs/sites in your niche that publish good content but aren’t visually creative
- Great for social posts
- Make your own cinemagraphs – moving photos
- Infographics
- Update and relaunch infographics
- Good for internal linking
- Repurpose old articles to infographics
- News outlets love original research
- Image Hubs
- Libraries on sites
- Images from all users and customers on site – people link to it.
- Use Tin Eye to find images that aren’t being linked back to you
- Reverse google image search : Image courtesy of ____
Written Content
- Best types of Content Right Now
- Health
- Financial Services
- SaaS
- Travel
- Latest updates/info (original research)
- Good information
- Reviews
- Review Campaigns
- News
Ask Big Questions
How is your piece different/better?
Can the content be repurposed?
Which keywords are being used
Do you have a kickass title?
9 Machine Learning Tools | Andrew Nelson
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
4:01 PM
4 Ways to use AI
- Targeting – Identify your most valuable customers
- Creative – Serve the right creative for every moment
- Optimization – Optimize spend
- Measurement
- Machine Learning
- Upload customer data
- Build Ideal Customer List
- Apply machine learning
- Target based on similar behaviors
- FB: Similar Audiences
- Google: Lookalike Audiences
- Pinterest: Acatalike Audiences
- Customer data
- Email Addresses
- Website data
- Tags & Pixels
- Customer data
- The more data the better, 1000 is a minimum
- Think about segments
- Don’t forget about privacy!
- Provide Ad Elements
- Apply Machine Learning
- Applies Unique ads to Individuals
- FB Dynamic Creative
- Google Responsive Search
- Google Responsive Display Ads
- Quality creative content
- Consistent voice and ad elements
- Output quality control
- Consistently update elements
- 6 Second Bumper ads on YouTube
- Provide Goals
- Apply Machine Learning
- Bid Based on Outcome Probability
- FB: Smart Bidding
- Multiple bidding options
- Pick right bid strategy
- Set the right thresholds
- Patience – Need to wait to gather data
- Old Way: Last Click
- Better Way: First Click, Linear, Time Decay, Time-Based
- Data-Driven Attribution
- Need 15,000 clicks and at least 600 conversions within 30 days
- Data is displayed after 30 days
- Data driven attribution & Smart Bidding = WINNING !
Driving Customer Visits To A Physical Store | Andrew Smith
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
4:43 PM
Tools for Driving Visits to Physical Store
- Media Strategy
- Creative
- Win The Holidays
- Altscreen
- Guilt parents into getting your kid off the screen
- Campaign targeted at these parents with kids
- Retail-Focused
- ‘Win The Holidays’ Messaging
- Software Examples
- Zaius
- Social
- Stories
- Unified communications across all social and advertising
Always Be Testing
Let Data Drive Results
Great Creative + Great Strategy = Optimal Results
Use Coupon Codes in Ad Landing Pages to drive in-store
Driving More Qualified Leads | Garrett Mehrguth
Thursday, September 5, 2019
10:00 AM
When Creating Content…
“Would I actually read this?”
- Organic Traffic is stagnant
- Competition is stiff
- Sabiki content is core to deep content
Ahrefs –> Keyword input –> “Questions people ask”
Tactic: N-Gram Analysis
- Individual Terms in your paid search campaigns are important
Tactic: Internal Linking with Keyword Driven Anchor Text
- Use power of control over internal linking to drive organic traffic
- When to Try: Use on Service/Product pages, Pages that haven’t had it done, authoritative blog/resource content
- How: Google “target keyword”
- Add hyperlinks with targeted anchor text to core pages
Tactic: Single Persona Ad Groups (SPAGs)
- Use asset (resource), and use linkedin pixel to find ideal customer persona. Have to pay extra
- Cater the messaging of your asset (resource) to the position/title/demographic you’re targeting
No more ‘Schedule a Demo’ — Change to ‘Watch this 5-Minute Demo Video’
Give them something that is worth them giving you their email address
Tactic: Discoverability
- Does your brand show up when someone searches for something you sell?
- 10/10 Organic Listings are review sites or paid lists
- Make sure your brand is discoverable on third-party sites
- Keyword Search Term Report – Review search page when searching that keyword and take market share
Tactic: De-Brand Paid Search
- Get rid of branded keywords. Paying twice.
- Don’t do scholarship link building.
Tactic: Blindly Trusting Smart Bidding
- Have to A/B test
- Smart Bidding charges a lot more than CPC
Advanced Targeting + Superior Tracking = Advantage | Evian
Thursday, September 5, 2019
11:02 AM
Display Ads are a full funnel approach
- Find new Audiences
- Establish Brand Awareness
- Grow Market Share
Reach & Frequency
- Healthy Campaigns require consistent exposure to your audience
- Spreading campaigns too thin could lead to flatlining
Touch & Timeline
- More than just reach and frequency – it takes time.
- Timeline is impacted by market saturation, duration to purchase, etc.
- Remain Consistent!!!
Conquest Geofencing vs Preemptive Behavioral Targeting
- Gets messages to audiences too late
- Targeting audiences visiting your competitors websites – geofence around competitors
- Keep using things that work !
- Optimize for a complimentary mix of media
- Test Creative
- Stay consistent but keep it fresh
- A/B Test Creatives
- Test Creative
Path to Conversions Takeaway
- How many impressions does it take? As many as it takes!
- Attribution tracking -> better data -> better performance
Getting More Out Of Email | Dathan Brown
Thursday, September 5, 2019
11:48 AM
You have a message you want to get out, and you send it to everyone.
Here’s how to improve:
- Personalize emails for individual people
- Pick out groups in contacts database and tailor messages to audiences
- Always drive customers to an action
- Understand your customer – Ask questions
- Have a clear CTA
- Move CTA Buttons UP in landing pages from email
Tips for Success
- Email is a channel for ACTION
- NOT a place to consume content
- Its all about the CTA
- Mind your Real Estate
- Compelling copy and CTA must always be above the fold
- Valuable
- Engaging
- Have marketing listen to sales calls
- See how customers are engaging
- Necessary
- True
More targeted, actionable emails that you can actually measure
Keynote: Content & Chaos | Paul Plumeri
Thursday, September 5, 2019
1:00 PM
Adapt to Change
Break the template when reaching out to potential clients
- Marketing Should be a Service, not a Solicitation
Journalism = Storytelling with a purpose
- Balance what readers know they want with what they cannot anticipate but need.
- Quality is measured by how much a work engages its audience and enlightens it.
- To market content well, you must become a journalist/editor within your organization.
Recognize the Disruption
Build According to Tier
- Great brand recall
- Bright high contrast colors
- Sound
8 Content Lessons From Disney | Hilary Sutton
Thursday, September 5, 2019
2:03 PM
#1 Be Aware of How Tech Impacts Audience Habits
- Streaming has disrupted
- How does this impact Disney?
- Fewer movie theatre visits
- Want it to be a sure thing
- Spend money on brand you’re connected to
- Safe Bets – Marvel, Star Wars, Animated Films
- Audience Centric Content Strategy
- Takeaways:
- What is impacting how your audience is experiencing your content?
- Don’t get stuck in what worked a year ago
#2 Rethink your Limitations
- Ex. 90’s Animated Movies by Disney.. Did they peak?
- Pivoted – Live Action Remakes
- Takeaways:
- Audience is growing and changing
#3 Diversify your Portfolio
- Film Strategy: Star Wars, Animated Films, Marvel
- Powerful Pillars
- Takeaways:
- Identify Audience
- Identify Pain Points
- Identify What Needs can be Met
- Diversify
#4 Repurpose Content that Resonates
- Taking their movies and putting them on streaming service
#5 Expand on Content that Resonates
- Marvel Character Shows
#6 Be Consistent
- Takeaways
- Be Consistent in quality and quantity
- Consistency breeds connection
#7 When New Tech Disrupts Get in the Game and do it Better
- Takeaways
- What tech is disrupting content marketing in your space
- How can you harness the power of one of these technologies, and do it better than competitors
#8 Make the First “Yes” Easy
- Adding bonuses for early adopters
- Competitive Price Range
- Downloadable Content
- Several Accounts and Devices Allowed
- Takeaways:
- What is the easiest ‘Yes’ you can get?
- Takeaways:
Analytics & Reporting: Making Sense Of The Data | Madeline Gryczman
Thursday, September 5, 2019
2:39 PM
Use data to make educated assumptions to build the consumer narrative
- Clearly Define Goals and Objectives
- What are the goals, overall & by channel?
- What questions are you trying to answer?
- Can you create actionable insights?
- Open Rates (Email)
- Effective Rate (Is Content Engaging)
- Determine the Frequency
- Consider how often you need each report to help prioritize creation and optimization
- Consider the Visuals
- Font
- Color Scheme
- Spacing
- Amount of Data
So what? Now what?
- What is the data saying
- What insights can we make
- What recs can we make based on those insights
Use Appeture Calendar – Know what people are doing and how they’re feeling by month
Combatting The Rising Advertising Costs | Erik Huberman
Thursday, September 5, 2019
3:20 PM
2 1/2 x more expensive than 2 years ago
Honest Company relied on Influencer Marketing and Facebook
Why are Ad Costs getting more Expensive
- Increase in competition
- Ad networks consolidating
- More fraud traffic
Nurturing Leads – Build a relationship with your customer
- How You Nurture
- How Much Trust
- Where They Come From
- User Experience
Email Marketing
Part of your customer’s daily routine
Follow up emails depending on customer journey
Speak to them based on behavior
End user will feel like you’re talking to them
SMS & Chatbots
- 90% Open rate
- 100% Opt In Based
- Short and to the point. Offer something that can’t be ignored.
Content Marketing
Consumers demand to be entertained. Develop authentic and engaging content that your audience would enjoy.
Word-of-Mouth – Get people involved with your brand!
Personalize messaging towards specific audiences
Build Connection –> Builds Word of Mouth
Customize site based on behavior